
Yakitori sauce

Dificultad: ★☆☆


  • 75 gr. Tahini paste, (sesame paste)
  • 75 gr.  Sesame seeds
  • 50 ml. Soya sauce
  • 30 gr. Sugar
  • 30 ml. Rice vinegar
  • 50 ml. Mirin

Categoría: Aperitivos


We start by toasting the sesame seeds in a Sartén Magefesa until lightly browned. Set the sesame seeds in a Magefesa mincer with sugar and grind until well grinded. Mix the sesame paste with toasted sesame powder, add the soya sauce, mirin and rice vinegar. Blend until we get thick sauce.
We may adjust sauce thickness to one’s taste by adding fish, meat or vegetable stock; it will depend on the purpose of the sauce. Keep it in a hermetic jar in the fridge. 

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