
Wellington Sirloin

Dificultad: ★★★


  • 400 gr. Bovine sirloin
  • 20 Portobello mushrooms
  • 2 Clavos
  • 40 gr. Goose liver block
  • 20 gr. Pealed pistachio
  • Old-style mustard
  • Sal marina
  • Pimienta negra
  • 1 Huevo
  • 1 Puff pastry layer

Categoría: Plato principal


Heat a little bit of olive oil in a Magefesa Roaster, when hot, brown the sirloin piece, previously seasoned, until all sides well sealed. Move it away and keep it cool for 20 minutes. Clean the mushrooms peal the cloves and take the core out. Chop mushrooms, cloves and pistachios with the help of a Magefesa Mincer.
Heat a Little bit of olive oil in a Sartén Magefesa, when hot, sauté the mince mushrooms until all the remaining juices evaporate. Adjust salt and pepper to taste. Once the skillet has been moved away, add the goose liver block and mix it all well taking advantage of residual heat. Keep it in the fridge for 20 minutes. Lay mince mushrooms out on a plastic wrap and keep it in a rectangular shape calculating its size is enough to wrap the sirloin.
Brush the meat with the mustard, place it on the mushrooms and wrap it with the help of plastic wrap, it must be well pressed and with a cylinder shape.  Keep it in the fridge for 25 minutes. Once time has elapsed, move the plastic wrap away and wrap the piece with the puff pastry. Seal it with the help of the stirred egg; brush also the surface so that it takes a beautiful Brown colour while baking. Powder with salt scales.
We can mark some rhombus on it with the reverse of a knife to decorate it. Bake it to 392ºF. for 20 or 25 min. approximately.
Para servir:
Serve it cut into thick slices accompanied by creamy potato purée.
It is advisable to cut it with a well sharp serrated knife so that the puff pastry cut dies not fall down.

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