
Thistle with almond sauce and ham

Dificultad: ★★☆


  • 1 Bunch fresh thistle
  • 150 gr. Ham
  • 80 gr. Powdered raw almonds
  • 30 gr. Fried toasted almonds
  • 100 ml. de Nata 18& M. G.
  • 2 Dientes de ajo
  • Sal
  • Pimienta blanca
  • Aceite de oliva
  • 1 Limón
  • Perejil

Categoría: Primer plato


Clean the thistle with the help of a peeler; remove threads from the sides and deep into a pan with cold water, lemon juice and a bunch of parsley to prevent them from rusting and coloring. Chop stalks into pieces about 4 or 5 cm. each. Boil the thistle covered by water, a tablespoon of diluted flour and salt in a Mageplus Super Fast Pressure Cooker. Close the pressure cooker and keep it high-heat until it gets maximum pressure, turn it down to minimum and let it cook for 30 or 35 min.
Brown sliced garlic cloves with a bit of olive oil in a Magefesa Non-stick Sauté Pan, when they start getting color add ham cut into julienne’s cut, sauté for some seconds.  Add powdered raw almonds, stir well and damp with the broth we get from thistle boiling. Let it reduce for some minutes and add the cream. When we have the sauce with the desired texture, add the boiled thistle, adjust salt and pepper and let it cook for 8 or 10 min. low-heat. Serve it powdered with grated fried almonds. Add the broth slowly to prevent the sauce from getting watery.

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