
Salmon Loin with Araucaria Pine Nut sauce and Merken

Dificultad: ★★★


  • 800 gr. Salmon loins (four portions)
  • 250 gr. Araucaria pine nuts
  • 1 Cebolla
  • 2 Dientes de ajo
  • 6 Basil leaves
  • 1 tbs. Merken
  • 30 gr. Tomato sauce
  • 300 ml. Cream 18% fat
  • Mild olive oil, 0,4º
  • 1 tbs. Butter
  • Sal
  • Pimienta blanca

Categoría: Plato principal


We start by cooking the whole pine nuts in a pot covered with water and a pinch of salt for 45-50 min. Drain and peel. Chop the onion and garlic into fine brunoise, fry it lightly in a skillet with a bit of olive oil and season.
When we have the sauce prepared, add the merken, peeled pine nuts and chopped basil leaves, sauté for a few seconds. Incorporate the tomato and cream, cook for a few minutes and grind with a blender until we get a fine and homogeneous sauce. If we need to adjust the thickness, we can add fish broth or vegetables. We return it to the pan. Mark the backs of salmon on a roaster with a little melted butter in olive oil until golden on both sides, drain them and incorporate into the pan with the sauce. Cook for a couple of minutes in the sauce so that flavors are blended. Serve accompanied by a corncob salad.
Araucaria, also known as Chilean pine or Monkey puzzle Tree is a tree native to Argentina and Chile and declared to be a natural monument in Chile in 1976. Its seeds (pehuen) are larger than ordinary pine nuts, they are eaten cooked, roasted, with flour, in syrup , etc. They are currently sold canned and may be found flavored with different spices.

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