
Mussels in Thai curry sauce

Dificultad: ★★☆


  • 1,5 kg. Mussels.
  • 300 ml. Coconut milk.
  • 1 cebolla.
  • 1 Leak.
  • 2 Cloves of garlic.
  • 1 tbs. Red curry paste.
  • 1 Lemon grass stalk (3 or 4 cm.)
  • 1 lima.
  • 1 tbs. Butter.
  • Sunflower oil.

Categoría: Primer plato


Clean the mussels by removing crustaceans and seaweeds from their shells. Remove also the beards with the help of a knife or pull the beards out. Rinse them into plenty of water and throw away those ones that are opened or broken. Peel and clean the onion and leaks, chop them into fine julienne. Melt the butter mixed with a tbs. sunflower oil in a Magefesa Coral wok. Cook it over medium heat to prevent it from turning gold.
Add the onion and sauté the whole for about 3 or 4 min. Add the leak, lemon grass and moist garlic cloves. Continue sautéing for a couple of minutes. Add the red curry paste to taste, juice and lime zest. Moist them with the coconut milk. Let it cook to reduce the sauce and take into account that the mussels add also juices. Pour out the mussels into the wok, closet he lid and increase heat, keep it cooking until mussels open. Serve them with powdered coriander or chopped parsley.