
Lobster Stew

Dificultad: ★★★


  • 1 Lobster, (1, 3 or 1, 5 kg.).
  • 3 Medium onions.
  • 1 Big green pepper.
  • 300 gr. Ripe tomato.
  • 2 Cloves of garlic.
  • Saffron.
  • 1 tbs. Sweet bell pepper.
  • White wine or brandy.
  • 4 Slices of fried bread.
  • 60 gr. Fried almonds.
  • Perejil.
  • Mild olive oil, 0, 4º.
  • Sal y pimienta blanca.
  • Fish and seafood stock, (see recipe).

Categoría: Primer plato


Chop the onion, pepper and garlic into fine brunoise. Cut tomato concassé or grated. To chop the lobster we cut the head lengthwise in the middle. Remove the corals and keep them. Cut each half into the middle again, separate the tail and cut it into medallions. Their size will be marked by the shell. Season to taste.
Calienta un poco de aceite de oliva en una Magefesa Carbon Steel Paella Pan with the cloves of garlic. Brown the lobster turning it around so that the medallions sides get browned. Remove and keep. Sauté the onion and peppers in the same oil. When soft and lightly brown, add the tomato and pepper, let it fry lightly medium heat for 5 minutes. Add the lobster to the paella pan, pour with white wine or brandy, wait for some seconds so that alcohol evaporates and moist it with the fish broth until covered.
Prepare the mince by placing the lobster corals, almonds, fried bread, saffron and browned garlic in the bowl of a Magefesa Mixer, grind until we get uniform dough. Add the mince to the paella pan and adjust salt and pepper. Let it cook medium heat for 15 or 20 minutes. Powder chopped parsley and let it rest for some minutes before serving.
The lobster may be substituted by more affordable seafood or even by fish, taking into account that it must be a sort of fish which meat is smooth and firm. 

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