
Duck, Apple and Mushroom Yakitori

Dificultad: ★★☆


  • 2 Duck maigret. (duck breasts)
  • 2 Green apples
  • 4 Shitake mushrooms
  • Teriyaki sauce

Categoría: Plato principal


First of all, we make some rhomboidal cuts on the fat part of the maigret, chop each breast into 12 parts or dices.  Mix the duck with teriyaki sauce and let it marinade for 2 or 3 hours. Stir the mix from time to time. Meanwhile, clean the mushrooms with a kitchen cloth or a brush and chop them into quarters.
Peel and remove the cores of the apples and dice them. We should get 8 dices.
Once time has elapsed we can start preparing the brochettes. We start by inserting a duck dice, then an apple dice and finally a mushroom one. Repeat the same order and finish with a duck dice in a way that each brochette is formed by 3 maigret dices, 2 apple dices and two mushroom dices. Cook the brochettes on a Magefesa Teppanyaki grill until uniformly browned outside and juicy inside. Serve them accompanied by teriyaki sauce and white boiled rice. They can be decorated with powdered sesame seeds. 
When working with soya sauce we should be careful when seasoning. There is no need to season the duck this time since we are going to let it macerate in the sauce.

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