
Dark Beer Chicken Stew

Dificultad: ★★☆


  • 3 lb. Chicken
  • 2 Cebollas
  • 2 Zanahorias
  • 2 Dientes de ajo
  • 1 Pimiento verde
  • 1 Pimiento rojo
  • ½ lb. Mushrooms
  • ¾ Cup mild olive oil (0.4°)
  • 1- ½ Cup dark beer
  • 3- ¼ Cup chicken broth
  • Sal y pimienta negra
  • 4 Leaves fresh basil
  • Harina

Categoría: Plato principal


Cut chicken into quarters and then each quarter in half. Season with salt and pepper to taste and dredge the chicken pieces in four. Peel the onion, carrot and garlic, chop everything in very fine brunoise.Cut peppers into julienne strips. Clean mushrooms and chop in thick slices. Heat olive oil in a Non-stick Magefesa Skillet. Cook chicken pieces until brown. Remove from heat and reserve. Discard some of the oil if needed, then add the chopped vegetables. Cook over medium heat until they begin to take on some color. Add chicken, mushrooms to pan. Cook together about three minutes. Pour in the beer, and let cook for a few seconds until alcohol evaporates. Cover with chicken broth, and cook with the lid on for 20 to 25 minutes. When cooking time  has elapsed, check chicken  for tenderness. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the chopped basil leaves. Let boil for 5 more minutes, and remove from heat.
Let rest for 20 minutes. Serve hot.
If we find the sauce to be too light, it can be thickened with a tablespoon of cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water. This can be done when checking chicken cooking point.
To get a smooth thin sauce, blend the vegetables with a little chicken broth in a Magefesa blender prior to adding the chicken and mushrooms. In this case, it won’t be necessary to chop vegetables finely.

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