Cheese Pudding

Cheese Pudding

Dificultad: ★★☆


  • 1 Cup creamy cheese such as Roquefort, Brie or Camembert.
  • 2 Cups reduced fat 35% cream.
  • 6 Eggs.
  • Salt, white pepper, nutmeg.
  • Butter.
  • Breadcrumbs.

Categoría: Postres


Place all the ingredients in a Licuadora Magefesa and process until you get an homogeneous cream. Grease a pudding mold with butter or oil. Sprinkle breadcrumbs and remove the excess. Pour the cream into the mold and cook in a bain marie in the oven at 240°F – 280°F for 40 or 45 minutes.  Verify the pudding is set by inserting a metal skewer in the centre. If it comes out clean, the pudding is ready. It pairs very well with nuts, marmalade or green apple sorbet and arugula salad.

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