

Difficulty: ★☆☆


  • 400 gr. Pastry flour
  • 2 or 3 Eggs
  • 200 gr. Butter
  • 10 ml. Vinegar
  • 1 Pinch of salt
  • Icing sugar
  • Ground cinnamon

Category: Desserts


Sift flour in a pastry bowl, add the butter cut into cubes at room temperature so that kneading gets easier. Incorporate vinegar, a pinch of salt and two eggs. Knead with your hands until getting an homogeneous dough which does not stick to your hands, if we see that it is still dry add one more egg and if too wet now, add some sifted flour. Let it rest for 15 min. Chop the dough into 2 or 3 portions roughly the same size. Stretch each portion of dough with the help of a rolling pin, so that it remains as thin as the dough makes transparent. Cut with the help of a round pastry cutter. Place them on an baking sheet, prick them softly with a fork to avoid too large bubbles, bake at 356ºF for 5 or 6 minutes. As soon as they come out from the oven, powder icing sugar and ground cinnamon to taste.

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